THE POWER OF YOUR WORDThe Power of Affirmations & Affirmative Prayer
There is POWER in every word! And if you’ve read Joseph Murphy’s THE POWER OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS, you would have learned the first law of life: WHATEVER WE GIVE OUR ATTENTION TO, BECOMES OUR REALITY. As we change our thoughts from WHAT WE DON’T WANT TO EXPERIENCE, to those that we DO WANT to experience, our lives change instantly! Florence Scovel Shinn, author of THE GAME OF LIFE & HOW TO PLAY IT, said, “Our word is our wand filled with magic and power. We have the power to change an unhappy condition by waving over it the wand of our word.” And so by learning how to use our word, “in the place of sorrow appears joy, in the place of sickness appears health, in the place of lack appears plenty”. Such is the POWER OF YOUR WORD! In this 5-class course we’ll:
ZOOM class. Course fee: £90. PayPal or Internet Banking. Already taken POWER OF YOUR WORD? You’re welcome to retake the course with a 50% discount. |
PROSPEROUS LIVINGMany people think of prosperity as money, but it’s so much more than that! To start with, money and things are manifestations of our prosperous thinking.
When we understand that result follows cause, we can see that our prosperity begins with us because it’s our thinking, our feeling, the state of our consciousness, which attracts our prosperity, or lack of it. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we’re living in a world that’s a reflection of our consciousness, that we’re all living magnets attracting to ourselves the things, people, riches and circumstances that are in total agreement with our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. In this ground-breaking course we learn to be the living magnet for greater prosperity. As well, we look at a whole range of issues associated with prosperous living: - following our dreams, - the essence of prosperity, - the cause of wealth, - the cause of lack, - goal setting, - eliminating fears and barriers to our good, and - living a life of bliss. Remember, what comes from us (what we say, do and express) is a reflection of what’s going on inside of us — our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, emotions and acceptances. THE ESSENTIAL STUFF: WHEN: 6 consecutive Wednesdays starting February 7 (7:30 - 9 pm). COST: £105. |
The Art of Living Master Classes
8 Consecutive Thursday evenings starting February 8. This series of exclusive Master Classes take us on a voyage of self-discovery, personal development and inner change. Each class is devoted to one particular aspect of living and ends with a Question-and-Answer period. These empowering classes include:
There is perhaps no deeper or more meaningful set of Master Classes available today in the New Thought arena. THE ESSENTIAL STUFF: WHEN: 8 consecutive Thursdays ( 7 – 9 pm) starting February 8. COST: £120 (or 2 equal payments of £60 each). ZOOM CLASS. |